About the Newsletter

While the AEMA Newsletter has evolved over the years, its focus has always been on the activities and achievements of our members and the association itself. The current Newsletter Editor is Julian Calcagno, and the newsletter is distributed to all members electronically on a quarterly basis. All of our previous issues are available to view on the archives tab. We encourage all AEMA members to contact the Newsletter Editor via info@aema.net.au to offer suggestions, compliments, and supply information on their own activities and those of colleagues.

The other aspect of the Newsletter which was once a prominent (and information-heavy) feature – the listings of upcoming events, lectures, and conferences of interest to AEMA members and supporters, as well as medieval language reading groups, exhibitions and short courses – has now all been moved to a new website, the AEMA Gazette. This website is updated on a continuous basis, in order to provide a free resource for Australian and international early medievalists. All suggestions for listings should be emailed to the Gazette Manager, Erica Steiner, at news@aema.net.au